Provider Supports

The Athens County Board of Developmental Disabilities has contracted with Mid-East Ohio Regional Council (MEORC) to offer another level of support to our providers.  We recognize the hard work and dedication you provide to the people you support.  We also recognize that you are going to have questions or need some one-on-one guidance from time to time; therefore, the county board has invested in MEORC to provide that resource.

So, here is what is being offered to you at no cost to you…

  • Unlimited access to all of the services in MEORC’s Provider Catalog
  • Resource sharing, system updates, and technical support
  • Monthly communication with subject matter expert(s)
  • Recertification support
  • Customized, needs-specific technical support
  • A primary point of contact for all provider-related questions or needs:

Pennie Chappell

Provider Resource Manager

Cell (740) 501-0553

Pennie Chappell is the Provider Resource Manager at MEORC.  Pennie is a Good Life Facilitator (Level 1 and 2), Person-Centered Thinking Coach, Trauma Informed Care Facilitator, Ohio Self Determination board member, Gathering @ the Grove co-chair and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with concentration in Human Resources and Management.  Pennie has an adult son in the DD system and has over 15 years direct experience as a provider. 

Athens County Board of DD made a considerable investment in this service, and we hope that you take advantage of these supports.  Pennie presented and was introduced at our December Quarterly Provider meeting held yesterday, and she will now begin reaching out to each of you setting up times to meet with agencies and independents in January to get to know your needs, what you do for individuals in our county, and how we can work together to ensure all your needs are being met as you work to support those we serve in Athens County.  We are excited for your continued success!

As we move forward with MEORC being available, we are committed to working together to help provide high quality services to individuals in Athens County. 

MEORC Provider Support Services and Resources:

Please reach out if you have any questions regarding this additional support being offered, attached you will find the MEORC catalog for providers, as well as the contact info for the MEORC Provider Supports Team.

Quick Access Links:

All Athens County Providers have access to MEORC trainings and these Provider Resources!


MEORC provides a variety of training opportunities online and in person to help Providers with certification as well as on going continuing education.
Click the 8-hour training above; DODD provides a variety of provider supports and trainings; this is a direct link to the 8-hour course that is required to become a provider!

Remember: If you need any help with any provider processes, call the DODD Provider Support number-1-800-617-6733, ext. 5

Guardianship Alternatives

Thank you for taking the time to learn about the importance of decision-making and how to support people with disabilities to live independent, self-determined lives. Click the Guardianship/SDM ARC of Ohio button below for more information: